Open House & AGM


Alberni Community Forest Corporation is holding their Annual General Meeting for the fiscal 2023 year. It will be held on May 22, 2024 at the Echo Filed House at 4200 Wood Ave. The meeting is open to the general pubic.

  • The Financial Report for 2023 will be presented.
  • A presentation on the operation for 2023 will be presented.

We will have a guest speaker this year. City of Port Alberni Economic Development Manager, Pat Deakin, will speak on the Future of Forestry in the Alberni Valley.

For more information contact
Chris Law, Manager

Presenting 2020 fiscal year earnings cheque to the City of Port Alberni at the 2021 AGM

Photos below are from September 17th, 2010 Open House at City Hall, and September 18th, 2010 at Sproat Lake Community Hall. The objective of the meetings was to share information with the community, and consult regarding management visions, values, and objectives that would be in the public’s best interest. Without public support and a commitment on the part of the community to become involved, the Alberni Valley Community Forest will not be feasible.

Fall Fair Dave Bishop Consulting Cindy and Tracy Kevin Hunter